Saturday, January 2, 2010

Our new arrival!!!

Okay, so since we were planning on moving right after the first of the year and Brayden's due date not until December 30th, we were afraid he wouldn't come in time because Josh was getting out of the army on the 1st of January. We prayed long and hard that our little boy would make his debut early. On December 19th we got our wish and our prayers had been answered.

I was sitting down to eat a nice bowl of soup for dinner at around 7pm. As i sat down to blow on my hot soup on the couch and watch "Christmas with the Kranks" i felt this hard punch which felt like Brayden had kicked me in the bladder. I instantly felt sick and i stood up to go put my soup back in the pot to put it into the fridge...when..POP! my water broke. Not a fun experience. It took me a minute but i did manage to get to the bathroom and call to Josh in the living room. He began to rush around like a mad person grabbing bags, putting the dogs in their crates and calling everyone in the families to let them know. We went to the hospital around 8 and i was admitted right away when they could see that my water had indeed broken. I was having only minor contractions at the time and they did not seem to get a little worse until about 1am. That was when my nurse gave me Finigran(however u spell it) and that knocked me out within 3 mins. I slept for about 3 hrs and woke up to the pain of contractions. They gave me more pain meds to take the edge off for the next 4 hrs. I received anitbiotics around 6am and around 9:30am i was getting contractions consistantly...I was having one big one then two little i was NEVER getting a break from the pain. When i asked for my epidural my midwife said..."oh yea, mommy is no longer smiling, we will call him right away!" I got my epidural, which was a gift from God and i spent the next few hours trying to sleep and chill. Needless to say i was tired, i had only slept for about 4-5 hours all together and around 3:30pm i started to feel the pressure of Brayden wanting to come out. My nurse came in, which by the way she was the best nurse i could have asked for, she was so friendly and talkative i felt very comfortable with her. I pushed for an hour and half because Brayden's head was stuck on my pelvic bone. Finally at 5:24pm he was born, i got to pull him out and on to my tummy, then i cried hysterically but with relief and joy. Josh was with me every step of the way. He was my support and my coach as he kept telling me to push and that i was almost there...when Brayden was born needless to say we were both in tears.

Our little man was born at 6lbs 15oz and was at the time 22inches long ( due to his head being stuck in the cone position, it rounded out nicely and he is now 20.5inches) He did have a hard time breathing when he first came out and so they took him to the NICU where Josh went with him for comfort and to check on him and take pics for me.

WE are SO HAPPY he is HERE with US!!

we are now in the process of moving back to GA and could not be more excited to be moving back and to be bringing HOME our little Brayden to show off and brag about!!